
HexWeb XT 2.5 New Features:

HexWeb XT 2.5, the XTension, which converts QuarkXPress documents to HTML, has now significant new features, here the most important ones:

Exporting text as Multicolumn Text.

To export a text box as multicolumn text do as following:

1. Select a text box, go to HexWeb Tools palette and select "Multicolumn text" as object type. To define the number of columns you wish to get, column width and the Gutter width, select the text object and click the scaling button. The following dialog, where you can do the adjustments, will appear:

Export images together with the caption text with just one click.

Example of the
image & caption feature:

Photo: Associated Press

American wrestler Bruce Baumgartner carries the U.S. flag as he leads the United States delegation.

This is propably the most powerful new feature of HexWeb XT 2.5

Since many HexWeb XT users are newspaper and magazine publishers, the possibility to keep images together with their caption texts is very important. Visit The Detroit News to see how the feature is used on a large newspaper site.

To be able to export image & Caption together, select the image & the caption, which belong together, with the object tool. Then go to the QuickSelect PopUp in the HexWeb Tools palette, and select the item type "Image & Caption. You can align the table by clicking the alignment buttons.

Please note that when you want to discard the Image & Caption for the selected objects, you have to select the items and go to the QuickSelect PopUp and select the Image & Caption again. After that, the items are free to be handled individually.

If you have the items selected, and click the scaling button, the preference dialog of Image & Caption is opened.

Convert a text element into a table

To convert a text box to a HTML table, just select the object in XPress and then select "table" in the QuickSelect PopUp.

When you want to define parameters to your table, click the scaling button. The following dialog appears.

All necessary preferences for your table can be set here. When you are finished, close the dialog, and click the Netscape button for a preview.

Here you see an example of a tabular table
converted with HexWeb XT 2.5

Original tabular table in QuarkXPress:

The same table exported with HexWeb XT 2.5 as an HTML table:

Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Revenue 7 700 7 620 7 642 9 051 10 617
Overhead 3,70 -7,10 0,80 8,00 -0,30
Shares 3,30 1,10 1,50 2,50 3,30
P/E 7-3 neg. 31-10 20-12 neg.
Taxes 3,1-6,2 1,1-2,4 1,1-3,3 1,6-2,5 neg
JEK 10,3 -5,8 5,5 12,4 -0,3
EK/Shareholders 74,1 63,8 62,0 66,2 91,2

HexWeb Index 2.5 new features:

  • HexWeb Index Pro can now chain articles, so that you can have navigation buttons to NEXT ARTICLE, and PREVIOUS ARTICLE inside your docs.

  • HexWeb Index Pro now shows you a preview of the table of content in a window as a list sorted by the categories: In the list you can sort and delete articles by using Drag& Drop. After re-indexing all links to "next articles" and "previous articles" are recalculated.

  • HexWeb Index can also check the image- and hyperlinks on your Web Server, and then notify you about missing links!

  • You can now create your own list type in HexWeb Index prefs, to fit the individual layout needs.

  • HexWeb Index Pro is now scriptable

    HexWeb Index Pro is delivered only bundled with HexWeb XT 2.5

    This is a WWW Service from HexMac Software Systems